Buy 1P LSD; this is how you do it

Research chemicals are hardly anything new. For as long as law-enforcement agencies have been criminalizing recreational substances, chemists and recreational drug users have been seeking alternatives to drugs like LSD as soon as they become illegal.

These alternatives are often referred to as research chemicals of these research chemicals. There are many, but some of the most persistence and continued versions are those that mimic the effects of LSD, which is arguably the most popular psychedelic — and therefore possibly the most popular drug — in the world.

There have been a lot of LSD substitutes produced over the years. From the brand new one VLSD, also known as Valerie, to the older analogues synthesized by Sheldon and his peers, such as a AL – LAD, there is no shortage of LSD analogues to go around. 

What there is a shortage of, however, is legislation that allows these drugs to be studied and embraced by the cultures producing them, instead of criminalizing those risking their careers and livelihoods for the sake of expanding the minds of those around them.

If you’ve never heard of 1P LSD, then you’ve probably got no idea where to buy it. Those hoping to buy 1P LSD should read this article so you will know the best way to make a safe purchase. There are a lot of sketchy websites out there, and when you’re dealing with chemicals like these you need to make absolutely sure that you’re getting the right stuff.

Where to Buy 1P LSD

Most likely, unless you’re good friends with a chemist or somebody who knows one, you’re going to need an internet connection to buy your 1P LSD. Most of it is sourced online and distributed among small circles of individuals who appreciate research chemicals or have grown desperate in the absence of conventional chemicals to study.

When 1P LSD first began to circulate, it was almost necessary that you had a desktop computer, or at least a laptop, to purchase it. Nowadays, however, you can access websites like RealChems that sell 1P LSD from your smart phone.

What to Look For When Buying 1P LSD (Making Sure Your Sources Are Legit)

Making sure that you’re buying from a legitimate source is quite possibly the most important thing to keep in mind when trying to buy 1P LSD. Because there are numerous chemicals that can produce similar effects that are substantially more dangerous and toxic to the body, you want to be sure to avoid buying any of these. But how can you tell what you were going to get before you actually purchase it?

These are a few things to keep in mind when considering a new research chemical vendor.

Check out online reviews. Sites like Reddit are especially useful. Here, you will find dedicated communities that focus entirely on research chemicals.

The people often are discouraged from reporting the specific source of certain compounds, it is commonplace to discuss the legitimacy of websites. Most likely somebody will have already asked whether or not the site that you’re considering is legit. The responses from other users should give you a clear indication of whether or not they can be trusted.

Website quality. Although the actual structure of the website, in terms of HTML coding and appearance, is not always good indicator of the website’s authenticity, it can be a red flag in some cases.

However, more importantly, you need to check out how well the website knows their stuff. If their webpages are filled with information about the substances — with posts like these, educating you about the hows, why’s, and whats about the chemicals you’re about to study — and provide reliable contact information and customer support, then you can be relatively sure that they are at least trying to be legit.

You can also check out the rating score and various business websites, like the Better Business Bureau. These sites collect ratings from a variety of users to create an overall score of a business website. If your site ranks low, then it’s probably not a good choice.

What to Do Before and After You Buy 1P LSD 

Here’s a quick checklist of things that you should do before and after buying 1P LSD to make sure that your experience is both safe and enjoyable.


Make sure that you understand the laws of your country. Even though very few places have made it specifically illegal to possess this chemical, some countries, like the United States, have made it illegal by proxy thanks to legislation like the Analog Act.

In most countries, research chemicals are at best a sort of gray area, in no man’s land. Authorities do not really want them around but cannot do much in the court of law to fight anyone caught in possession of them.

Make sure that your research materials are in order. You will need the proper equipment to handle chemical substances in your lab. Scales are about most importance so that you can measure out specific dosages without running the risk of unwanted chemical reactions or exposure. Safety gear is necessary when handling chemicals of any type.

Ensure that your research space is clean and appropriate. Set and setting is very important for this type of research. He wants to make sure that your environment is safe and provides you with positive feelings. In this way, you will ensure the best possible outcome of your research.


Once you’ve got your own lsd, make sure that you store it in a cool, dry, dark location. This is generally the best way to store chemicals for a long time.

Be extra cautious when deciding the dosage that you are going to study. Make sure to use a very strong and sensitive scale.

If this is your first time researching a certain compound, make sure that you have a friend present. They will be able to help take care of you in case anything goes wrong or alert the authorities in case any adverse reactions occur.


1P LSD does not have to be hard to find. There is a great demand for legal alternatives to LSD, and 1P LSD Is one of the better alternatives available.

If it is legal to possess in your country, studying 1P LSD is one of the best things that you could do for the psychedelic community. You can help to provide other enthusiasts with valuable information about the chemical structure of this compound. Safety is, above all, the most important thing.

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