The Race to Keep Research Alive: The War on Drugs & Criminalization

The war on drugs has undoubtedly affected nearly every individual in the United States and, in more recent years, the entire planet. Even though research continues to show that the war on drugs has very little positive impact, the leaders of this movement, namely the FDA and the DEA in the United States, seemed determined …

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The Lost Art & Science of Alchemy & its Sister Science, Herbalism

Alchemy is a very complex science. Like chemistry, which actually finds its roots in alchemy, the technique of the alchemist would look like confusion and madness to anyone uninitiated. Alchemy is a science many thousands of years old, and it’s impossible to determine from whence it really came. Alchemical works can be interpreted in numerous …

The Lost Art & Science of Alchemy & its Sister Science, Herbalism Read More »

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