What are DMT Elves?

By Dr Garth A. Cambray

What is DMT and how is it a key to a different mind space?

DMT is an endogenously occurring psychedelic compound in the tryptamine family. This means we actually produce it naturally in our bodies. My general experience of DMT has been that it takes me back to my childhood when I had a wild imagination that could see things that “were not there” according to “accepted wisdom”.

The DMT experience in larger doses transports us to a realm deep in our minds, or possibly outside, where intensely mystical experiences occur. One of the more common DMT experiences involves meeting with hyper-intelligent and elf-like creatures that occupy a dimension that DMT accesses for us.

Before we ask “What are DMT Elves?” let us take a look at what DMT is, then what it does to your brain, and how this may help you find the DMT entities or elves in their dimension.

What is DMT?

DMT is an abbreviation referring to the biochemical DiMethylTryptamine. This is a very simple chemical and is based on the backbone of the amino acid L-Tryptophan. The neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine, also known as Serotonin governs much of the functioning of our brains. It is synthesized using L-Tryptophan as a starting point.

Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression. Many chemical structures which share similarities with L-Tryptophan tend to be able to bind to a lesser or greater degree to Serotonin and similar receptors causing profound physiological effects.

Generally, because these chemicals are similar but not exactly the same as serotonin, they tend to stick for a little longer than serotonin would have.

The Indole Alkaloid family of chemicals all are based on L-Tryptophan. Because of this, they tend to bind to a variety of receptors that would normally be stimulated by Serotonin and similar neurotransmitters. Some favourite keys to different dimensions are in this family.

Psilocybin and LSD are good examples. DMT is naturally at the top of the list here in terms of its pure psychedelic door opening power and is consequently sometimes known as the God molecule.

How does DMT work?

The answer is we actually don’t really know. We do know that it binds to serotonin receptors. It also binds to a host of other receptors.

It is rapidly degraded by monoamine oxidase (MAO). Now to understand this, we need to look at what an MAO is.

What is MAO and why is this important to us in meeting DMT entities?

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme present in various parts of the body. In the brain it is particularly important if it degrades certain neurotransmitters, serotonin being a good example. This allows a neuron to fire, and then for the serotonin to be degraded so that the neuron does not keep firing. 

If we look at a neuron-like a light, the Serotonin is the finger that turns the bulb on, and the MAO is the finger that turns the bulb off. DMT is the finger that lets the neuron see DMT machine entities. But first, we need to get the DMT past the MAO – because MAO will actually degrade DMT, just like it does serotonin.

This is why many methods of taking DMT involve either directly sending it to the brain (inhalation) or using some sort of MAO inhibitor. Various natural MAO inhibitors have been traditionally consumed with DMT preparations to enhance their activity. We do not need to go into those now.

Ok, all of that is nice to know, but What are DMT Elves?

Here again, we actually do not have an answer. Many people who take heavier doses of DMT have noted that they end up in a geometric plane, where entities appear and communicate.

This is more common with DMT, but I personally can say that similar entities appear to be available on a higher dose of LSD as well. But DMT brings them closer, and they seem to have more useful things to say.

Something about time stretches a bit and the few minutes you are spending with these entities feels like a lifetime in normal time.

DMT elves, or DMT entities or machine elves as they are sometimes referred to, appear to have a high percentage of DMT experiences. These elves/entities take on a number of different forms based on a person’s internal perceptions of some things.

The DMT Elves invariably bring some sort of enlightenment to us. They may tell us things about ourselves, or reveal things that are being hidden by ourselves from us. Sometimes they help you solve very complex problems that you have been struggling with.

Can encounters with DMT Elves improve our lives?

The human subconscious is a powerful processor – it often has a better idea about what is going on than our conscious does.

The DMT Elves have helped me bridge chasms in my being where my conscious and subconscious had become estranged from each other. This experience is both joyful and painful. 

Meeting DMT Elves is generally a positive experience for most of the folks I have personally chatted to who have met them. The experience is often life-changing and a bit ground shaking. Many people seem to find the DMT Elves to be telepathic

After the experience, you are forced to reassemble your understanding of reality, yourself, and how all of these things fit together. Often, when you reassemble all this, some part of the puzzle that was you BEFORE does not fit into the you AFTER.

A friend of mine with a troubled military past had this happen with alcohol – before DMT and his encounter with DMT Elves, he drank a lot. After his encounter with DMT Elves, he never touched a drop again!! This appears to not be an isolated incident.

My advice on a path forward toward your DMT Elves

I have only ever experienced DMT once – and that was enough for me to probably be able to spend a thousand years thinking and learning from the experience.

We do not get gifted with this time. In my path of understanding after the DMT experience, I became aware that the things I learned may not be understood by me this time around.

Maybe a future “me” type thing may understand the next layer and so on, as this “me” type “us” thing moves through the universe. Whatever that understanding was, it is not something we were taught in school, and I really wish it was. The world would have a lot more peace.

DMT is a powerful tool – it is not a joy ride, and it is not something you take casually. It is a spotlight that shines insight onto you, your path, and things will talk to you and share comfortable and uncomfortable truths.

This is a great gift, and not something to be taken lightly. Cherish it as our ancestors did, as our future will, and as our present can. The present is a gift that links the future and the past. DMT helps us see the bridge between the two more clearly.

What are DMT Elves? I don’t think any of us will really ever know. Maybe they are real. Maybe they are in our imagination. Whatever they are, they are special, timeless, and wise. Enjoy your eons/15 minutes with them, and be careful and bring back the wisdom. This world is currently a bit wobbly and needs a bit more wisdom. DMT is a portal to that wisdom. The more of that we import into our current understanding the better. If you enjoyed this article please share – those who care – share.

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